What I learned this year!

I’ve learned a lot this year, but I have two things that I want to share that stand out the most. My first thing is geocashing, and my second thing, is learning about sound in my science fair project.  First, I will tell you about geocaching, its really fun!!

At period 7,  which is the last period of the day, my class went to the ravine and I had no idea what we where doing but then my teacher said we were going geocashing and explained how it works and what to do. My teacher said that a geocashe is a box or container that has usually paper in it or objects and if you take an object you must replace it with something else or if you don’t have anything to replace it with, you just don’t take it. If there is paper you could write something in it. My teacher also said that he had an app that shows us were to go and how far away a geocashe is. On the app, there was one geocashe that was really close, so we went to find that geocashe. After we looked around the area it was supposed to be in, we couldn’t find it even we went a few weeks later to check again, but it still wasn’t there, so we guessed that someone took it.

That’s basically geocashing but there’s two other thing’s you need to know about geocashing. Its all around the world and you could even make you own geocashe you just have to put it on the geocashe app for other people to find it and then your done.

Now, I am going to talk about my science fair project on Sound. On my science fair project, I learned a lot of things I didn’t know about sound but now I do. Now I will tell you about the things I learned about sound. I learned about Acoustics and decibels and I also learned that all sounds are a form of energy just like light and heat. I also learned the best barrier for sound is dry wall and carpet because carpet absorbs sound. In my science fair project, I said that if I could do my experiment again I would do it under water with an underwater speaker. I used the speaker for putting it in a box and covering it with the material that I had, and I would use my teachers phone because he had an app that showed us if the material being tested made sound louder or quieter.

Thank you for reading my writing piece on what I learned this year in grade 4. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you also learned something about sound and geocashing.

My essay on the levels of government

There are three levels of government in Canada and they are the federal, provincial and municipal governments. Each level of government is divided into three branches: the legislative branch (which makes the laws), the executive branch (make sure people follow the laws), and the judicial branch (which applies the laws to specific court cases)

Each level of government has different responsibilities.

 The federal government deals with areas of law listed in the Constitution Act, 1867 and that generally affects the whole country. This government is responsible for:

  1. National security
  2. Defence military
  3. International relation
  4. Citizenship and immigration
  5. Money +banking
  6. Postal service

The federal government is made up of Members of Parliament (MPs) from every province or territory in Canada. The political party that elects the most MPs forms the federal government and their leader becomes the Prime Minister.

The provincial government is responsible for areas listed in the Constitution Act, 1867, such as education, health care, some natural resources, road regulations and licences.

The provincial government is made up of the Members of Legislative Assembly (MLAs). MLAs may also be called Members of the Provincial Parliament or MPPs (Ontario), Members of the House of Assembly or MHAs (Newfoundland and Nova Scotia) or Members of the National Assembly or NHAs (Quebec). These are elected officials that represent a geographical area of the province called a riding. The political party with the most MPPs forms the provincial government. The head is called the Premier.

The municipal government is usually based in a city, town or district. Municipal governments are responsible for areas such as libraries, parks, community water systems, local police, roadways and parking.

The municipal government is headed by a mayor. In First Nations communities, band councils are similar to municipal governments. The members elect the band council which makes decisions that affect the local community.

The June 7 election are coming up, which is the provincial election and the three main candidates are:

  1. Ontario liberal leader, Kathleen Wynne (current Premier)

“Doug Ford sounds like Donald Trump and that’s because he is like Donald Trump. He believes in an ugly, vicious brand of politics that traffics in smears and lies. He’ll say anything about anyone at any time because — just like Trump — it is all about him.”

  1. Ontario NDP leader Andrea Horwath

“What Ontario doesn’t need is Doug Ford, and what Ontario doesn’t want any more is Kathleen Wynne. That’s why we’re offering change for the better.”

  1. Ontario PC leader Doug Ford.

“After 15 years of Liberal mismanagement, scandal and waste, it’s time for change. We have seen this Liberal government make sure that they have taken care of their Liberal insider friends and … lobbyists. The party with the taxpayers’ dollars is over.

Now you now what the three levels of government are and what they are responsible for and make sure you stay educated and informed so you know who to vote for based on your values.






My social justice issue on polar bears

I chose my topic is because climate change, and the loss of sea ice habitat, is the greatest threat to polar bears. The impacts of this change are felt first and worst in the arctic.  Polar bears rely on sea ice to hunt and store energy for the summer and autumn, when food can be limited.  Polar bears were acutely listed as threatened as an endangered species in the us in May 2008, but Canada still allows sport hunting and exportation of polar bears. The survival and the protection of the polar bear habitat are urgent issues.  People need to know that we can’t just kill polar bears everyday. Also, we need to be more energy efficient use electric cars and don’t waste energy because this also effects climate change and the habitat that polar bears live in.

Facts and info about polar bears

Polar bears have a thick layer of body fat and a water repellent coat that insulates them from the cold air and water.   Polar bears spend over 50% of there time hunting for food.  A polar bear might catch only one or two out of ten seals it hunts, depending on the time of the year it is. The population of polar bears is 22,000-31,000.  Also, the scientific name for a polar bear is Ursus Maritimus. The weight of a polar bear can be between 800 to 1,300 pounds. The length of a polar bear is between 6 to 9 feet and 3 meters tall. The habitat that polar bears live in is the arctic sea ice.  Despite its size, polar bears are the largest member of the bear family and its suited to live on ice because its double-layered coat and its furry-undersided paws insulate it from the chilly arctic temperatures. There are 19 sub-populations of polar bears in the world, 13 which can be found in Canada.

I also dissevered that there is such thing as National Polar Bear Day on February 27 and it started 11 years ago.

What level of government is responsible for polar bears?

The federal government is responsible for protecting polar bears. Canada is home to two thirds of global polar bears population.  In Canada, polar bears are protected through an approach that is shared with provinces, territories and regional wildlife management boards.                                                        What human right are involved with polar bears?

Climate change is threatening the ability for Inuit people to thrive in their own culture, one that is dependent on hunting and navigating the dangerous and changing ice; the Inuit people have known that this was a violation of their rights for almost ten years.

What people are involved with polar bears?

As an Arctic Ambassador Center, the Toronto Zoo is fortunate to have the opportunity to send staff/volunteers to participate in Polar Bear International’s Leadership Camps in Churchill, Manitoba. These camps are designed for motivated individuals who want to advocate either personally or through their organization for conservation and sustainable lifestyles.

Here are some celebrities supporting climate change which effects polar bears.

  1. Meryl Streep (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska)

2.     Leonardo DiCaprio (climate change)

3.     Al Gore (Arctic national wildlife refuge in Alaska)

4.     Robert Redford (Arctic nation wildlife refuge in Alaska

What government agencies are responsible for polar bears?

 The US government released a plan that could save the Arctic’s most recognized creature: the polar bears. The Polar Bears Conservation Management Plan, which focuses on actions for the two US sub-populations in Alaska and was introduced by the US Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS), stresses the importance of climate change mitigation in curbing the loss of the polar bear’s sea ice habitat.

From numerous stakeholders, including representatives from federal agencies, non-profit organizations, scientists and industry leaders. WWF has played an important role in drafting the plan and strengthening the climate change action portion of the plan.







the book that made me invisible

Hi, I’m Clair and this is my story.

On a normal day at school I was just finishing my math sheet when my teacher said if you’re done your sheet you can read.  After I was done my math sheet I went to look for something to read.  While I was looking for a book to read something that caught my eye was this book called the invisible boy.  It sounded interesting, so I started to read it.


When it was the end of the day at 3:30pm my mom picked me up out of the blue because in the morning she said she had an appointment and she would be late, but I guess it ended early. On the way home, my mom drove as fast as a cheetah. when we got home I unpacked my bag and did my homework while waiting for dinner. After dinner I went up stairs to get ready for bed. In bed I finished the book the invisible boy, it was good. It was about a teenage boy who loved science. He tried an experiment. it failed and spilled everywhere and it got on the boy’s arm. The next day the boy was invisible!  He tried and tried to undo it, but he was still invisible. That’s basically the whole story. Then Clair went to bed.


The next day when I woke up and I looked in the mirror I saw myself… INVISIBLE!!! When I saw my self invisible I had fallen through a trapdoor of sadness. I went down stairs for breakfast alone because my mom was still sleeping. Anyway, how am I going to tell my mom that I’m invisible I mean I can’t just say “mom I’m invisible” so I decided to pretend I’m sick. I know that isn’t good, but that all I can really do. When my mom woke up I said to her that I was feeling a bit under the weather, and I wanted to be alone and she went away. I did feel bad because I don’t like to lie at all, but I can’t tell her. The whole day I was in my room. Oh, no I just realized I have a playdate with my friend Stacey. I was soo nervous because she’s my best friend and best friends tell each other everything so I’m just going to tell her.




On Saturday Stacey came over in the afternoon. When Stacey came in my room she said hi and she brought chocolates as sweat as honey. I said hi back. But she couldn’t see me. Then Stacey said where are you? I said I am right in front of you, what are you talking about, said Stacey. I am invisible! I said. she was so freaked out for a second, but then she said prove it so I threw a pillow at her and then she definitely did believe me. then we started a pillow fight. It was a piece of cake for me because I could see her, but she couldn’t see me.



After my playdate I was so hungry I could eat a cow, but my mom yelled up to me and said, “hold your horses honey”.  I thought about how I am going to tell my mom and I thought of an idea I’m just going to tell her, so I yelled from upstairs to my mom to come to the door of my room for me to tell her. When she came I told her that I was invisible and to prove it to her I said come in my room and I did the same thing I did with Stacey I threw a pillow at her and she believed me.


The next day in the morning when we woke up we had breakfast and went for a walk. We went on a trail that we never went on before, and then our water spilled so we had no water. When we got to this lake that we found I started to drink it and my mom started to see me and my mom was so happy her heart swelled with a sea of happiness. We hugged each other as tight as we possibly could. And then we found our way back home.





the book that made me invisible

Hi, I’m Clair and this is my story.

On a normal day at school I was just finishing my math sheet when my teacher said if you’re done your sheet you can read.  After I was done my math sheet I went to look for something to read.  While I was looking for a book to read something that caught my eye was this book called the invisible boy.  It sounded interesting, so I started to read it.


When it was the end of the day at 3:30pm my mom picked me up out of the blue because in the morning she said she had an appointment and she would be late, but I guess it ended early. On the way home, my mom drove as fast as a cheetah. when we got home I unpacked my bag and did my homework while waiting for dinner. After dinner I went up stairs to get ready for bed. In bed I finished the book the invisible boy, it was good. It was about a teenage boy who loved science. He tried an experiment. it failed and spilled everywhere and it got on the boy’s arm. The next day the boy was invisible!  He tried and tried to undo it, but he was still invisible. That’s basically the whole story. Then Clair went to bed.


The next day when I woke up and I looked in the mirror I saw myself… INVISIBLE!!! When I saw my self invisible I had fallen through a trapdoor of sadness. I went down stairs for breakfast alone because my mom was still sleeping. Anyway, how am I going to tell my mom that I’m invisible I mean I can’t just say “mom I’m invisible” so I decided to pretend I’m sick. I know that isn’t good, but that all I can really do. When my mom woke up I said to her that I was feeling a bit under the weather, and I wanted to be alone and she went away. I did feel bad because I don’t like to lie at all, but I can’t tell her. The whole day I was in my room. Oh, no I just realized I have a playdate with my friend Stacey. I was soo nervous because she’s my best friend and best friends tell each other everything so I’m just going to tell her.




On Saturday Stacey came over in the afternoon. When Stacey came in my room she said hi and she brought chocolates as sweat as honey. I said hi back. But she couldn’t see me. Then Stacey said where are you? I said I am right in front of you, what are you talking about, said Stacey. I am invisible! I said. she was so freaked out for a second, but then she said prove it so I threw a pillow at her and then she definitely did believe me. then we started a pillow fight. It was a piece of cake for me because I could see her, but she couldn’t see me.



After my playdate I was so hungry I could eat a cow, but my mom yelled up to me and said, “hold your horses honey”.  I thought about how I am going to tell my mom and I thought of an idea I’m just going to tell her, so I yelled from upstairs to my mom to come to the door of my room for me to tell her. When she came I told her that I was invisible and to prove it to her I said come in my room and I did the same thing I did with Stacey I threw a pillow at her and she believed me.


The next day in the morning when we woke up we had breakfast and went for a walk. We went on a trail that we never went on before, and then our water spilled so we had no water. When we got to this lake that we found I started to drink it and my mom started to see me and my mom was so happy her heart swelled with a sea of happiness. We hugged each other as tight as we possibly could. And then we found our way back home.





My Dog Stole My Homework

On a normal day, I was watching tv in the living room and just about to do my homework. Shortly after I started my homework I got thirsty so I went to get some juice and that’s where it all happened.  When I came back to the living room to finish my homework it was GONE! Oh, and by the way I have a dog named Blossom and I think she stole my HOMEWORK. Now I’m on a hunt to find my homework, first I checked around the living room – not there! Then I checked the kitchen, again, not there! I was beginning to panic, as I checked the bathroom -of coarse not there! I checked my dogs , not there either. I checked all around the house. Where is my homework? I had nothing else to do besides watching a movie with my mom so that what I did at 7:40. At 10:00 pm I went to bed. I had given up and needed to relax.

The next day it was a school day, so I woke up at 6:50 am. You know, got dressed, brushed my teeth and stuff then went down stairs for breakfast. Then I went to school. I left at 7:50 am and it took 30 min to get to school and I was there for school at 8:20 so I wasn’t late because school starts at 8:30 am sharp.

The first class was math we had a test on multiplication. Then we had science and the best part, recess. At recess I played tag with my friends. After recess it was gym. In gym we played basketball.  I was exited for lunch because I was so hungry after running around in gym.  After lunch it was English then French.  After French it was home time… yippee!!!

When I got I home I played with my dog a few minutes before it was dinner. For dinner I had chicken and fries. After dinner, I got ready for bed. In bed I played card with my mom to spend some time together before I fell asleep.

The next day, I woke up and did all my jobs then went down stairs for breakfast, then off to school again. When I got to school, my teacher told us that we were going out side to the park for an hour before school ended because it was so hot. He’s so cool like that!

When it was an hour before school ended, we went to the park. Me and my friend raced for the swings.  The whole time we were at the park me and my friend were on the swings. It was so much fun. I love being outdoors.

When I got home I was so nervous because my homework was suppose to be handed in the next day and I still hadn’t found it. I hadn’t told anyone either, but I could see Blossom had that look of trouble on her face. I took one more peek around the house, but I still couldn’t find it and wasn’t sure what to do. I went up stairs to get ready for bed. Then I came back down stairs for dinner. When I was getting juice, I  slipped over something and fell flat on my face on the floor, as I looked around me at ground level, I saw under the table that was in the middle of the kitchen, MY HOMEWORK!! I was so exited because I found my homework. I just knew it would show up!!

The next day did my morning things went to school and handed in my homework with a big smile on my face because I knew in my heart that no matter how bad things seem to be, they always have a way of working out just right.

The end



Author: The book Wonder is by the R.J Palacio.

Main Message: the main message of the book was that  it doesn’t matter what you look like it matters what your personality is and that you choose kind.

Genre: a fiction book for kids

Main characters/Descriptions:

August (Auggie):  kind

Jack Will: kind /mean

Julian: a bully

Summer: kind

Olivia/Via (Auggies sister): little shy sometimes and kind

Auggie and Via’s mom and dad: kind

Auggie’s and Via’s dog: Daisy

Maranda: mean/kind

The Settings

Auggie’s home

Beecher Prep school/ Auggie’s school


Main Events

The school tour: Aggie goes on a tour and meets the principal Mr. Tushman. He also meets three kids that bring Auggie on the tour. Their names were Jack Will, Julian and Charlotte.

First day of school: On the first day of school Auggie met a girl named Summer.

Halloween day at school: Auggie overheard his best friend named Jack saying he would kill him self if he looked like Auggie and that really hurt Auggie.

When Daisy died: Everyone was very sad when Daisy died because they loved her and had Daisy a long time.

Via’s play: Auggie thought his sister didn’t want him to come see her play because of how he looked and Via also got to act the main character role because her friend pretended she was sick.

Camp: A month before camp Jack and Auggie were friends again. At camp they left the group and Auggie and Jack snuck into the woods where mean grade sevens started to bully them but some Kids from Auggie’s and jacks class fooled them and stood up for Auggie and then everyone in Auggie’s class was friend’s with Auggie that day forward.

Last day of school: Auggie got an award and everyone cheered for Auggie.

My Favorite Event

At the end of the book Auggie gets an award and everyone cheers for him, even the bully’s friends because Auggie’s big heart made a big different’s in people’s lives

The Parts I Didn’t Like

There nothing I didn’t like it was a good book and recommend everyone to read it.


Elizabeth Swaney

There was a big story this years  winter Olympics regarding Elizabeth Swaney and how she got into the Olympics. People ether loved her or hated her.

I think that Elizabeth Swaney is a good Olympian because she just wanted to be in the Olympics and she got there, but unfortunately  she was last.She didn’t do one single trick.

Elizabeth is a bad Olympic player because she sort of cheated the system because she was American  but she couldn’t  go on the American team. so since her mom was Hungarian so she went on the Hungarian team and that’s how she sort of cheated the system .
She got into  Olympics because she was in 13 competitions with less than 30 people which were the rules for getting into the Olympics.



Diary of a wimpy kid / the last straw

This is about a boy named Gregory and he is a very unlucky and lucky boy, mostly unlucky. the other characters in the story are: Gregory’s big brother who is very weird and his name is Roderick and he is very mean and rude, Gregory’s dad Gregory’s mom and Gregory’s little brother   

I didn’t have a  favourite part but I still liked the book a lot. There was nothing I didn’t like ether. I think it was a good book but there was this one part that made me laugh a little bit. It was the part when Gregory was borrowing pants from his brother Roderick because Gregory was out of clothes and they were all in the laundry and the whole family was going to the neighbours house for a birthday party Gregory ‘s little brother was going through the presents and found a great blue blanket that he loved  so he decided to keep the blanket  but when Gregory’s brother realized Gregory was gonna take the blanket a way, Gregory’s brother threw the blanket into a tree. Gregory knew he had to get the blanket back before Gregory’s mom found out so Gregory went to go get the blanket back. When Gregory was on the branch his pants fell down and he was wearing his wonder woman under were because that was his only clean underwear. That was what I thought was kinda funny.

In the beginning of the story everyone was giving stuff that most people wouldn’t like. In the middle of the story Gregory’s  dad put Gregory in soccer and he did not like it one bit but one day three guys and Gregory decided to bring video games. That day Gregory did like soccer. At the end of the story when Gregory and the whole family was going to the neighbours house and Gregory’s  little brother was going through the presents and found a blue blanket and liked it and decided to keep it but when Gregory was about to take it Gregory’s little brother threw it into a tree. Gregory knew he had to go get it before Gregory’s mom found out. than Gregory want to go get it. When Gregory was on the branch his pants fell dawn and he was wearing his wonderwoman underwear because that was his only clean underwear. the people who lived there started videotaping it.

about the author

Jeff Kinney is a online game developer and designer, and the author of the #1New York times bestsellers diary of a wimpy kid and diary of a wimpy kid: Roderick rules as well as the diary of a wimpy kid do-it-yourself book. He spent his childhood in Washington, D.C area and moved to New England in 1995 . Jeff lives in southern Massachusetts with his wife Julie, and their two sons, Will and Grant. 

You can rate my review with smiley faces. The more faces you put the more you like it.

Special facts about L.M. Montgomery

Lucy Maud Montgomery, the Canadian author of a very famous book Anne of Green Gables, was born on Nov. 30, 1874.  She was named Lucy after her grandmother and Maud after Queen Victoria’s daughter, Princess Alice Maud Mary.

Montgomery sent out Anne of Green Gables to several publishers in 1905, all of which rejected the book.She gave up on the book and stuck the book in a hatbox. Two years later, she came across the novel, polished it up and sent it out again. She also published 20 books, over 500 short stories, 30 essays, an autobiography and a book of poetry. Many of them are still read around the world.

Maud Montgomery Macdonald died in Toronto, Ontario, on April 24, 1942; In death, Montgomery returned to her beloved Prince Edward Island, where she was buried in the Cavendish cemetery, close to the site of her old home. to this day, the Lucy Maud Montgomery Birthplace is an important landmark in its community and to the province of PEI.


#1: Global news.ca; #2 L.M. Montgomery Institute; #3:historicplaces.ca