What I learned this year!

I’ve learned a lot this year, but I have two things that I want to share that stand out the most. My first thing is geocashing, and my second thing, is learning about sound in my science fair project.  First, I will tell you about geocaching, its really fun!!

At period 7,  which is the last period of the day, my class went to the ravine and I had no idea what we where doing but then my teacher said we were going geocashing and explained how it works and what to do. My teacher said that a geocashe is a box or container that has usually paper in it or objects and if you take an object you must replace it with something else or if you don’t have anything to replace it with, you just don’t take it. If there is paper you could write something in it. My teacher also said that he had an app that shows us were to go and how far away a geocashe is. On the app, there was one geocashe that was really close, so we went to find that geocashe. After we looked around the area it was supposed to be in, we couldn’t find it even we went a few weeks later to check again, but it still wasn’t there, so we guessed that someone took it.

That’s basically geocashing but there’s two other thing’s you need to know about geocashing. Its all around the world and you could even make you own geocashe you just have to put it on the geocashe app for other people to find it and then your done.

Now, I am going to talk about my science fair project on Sound. On my science fair project, I learned a lot of things I didn’t know about sound but now I do. Now I will tell you about the things I learned about sound. I learned about Acoustics and decibels and I also learned that all sounds are a form of energy just like light and heat. I also learned the best barrier for sound is dry wall and carpet because carpet absorbs sound. In my science fair project, I said that if I could do my experiment again I would do it under water with an underwater speaker. I used the speaker for putting it in a box and covering it with the material that I had, and I would use my teachers phone because he had an app that showed us if the material being tested made sound louder or quieter.

Thank you for reading my writing piece on what I learned this year in grade 4. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you also learned something about sound and geocashing.

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