Special facts about L.M. Montgomery

Lucy Maud Montgomery, the Canadian author of a very famous book Anne of Green Gables, was born on Nov. 30, 1874.  She was named Lucy after her grandmother and Maud after Queen Victoria’s daughter, Princess Alice Maud Mary.

Montgomery sent out Anne of Green Gables to several publishers in 1905, all of which rejected the book.She gave up on the book and stuck the book in a hatbox. Two years later, she came across the novel, polished it up and sent it out again. She also published 20 books, over 500 short stories, 30 essays, an autobiography and a book of poetry. Many of them are still read around the world.

Maud Montgomery Macdonald died in Toronto, Ontario, on April 24, 1942; In death, Montgomery returned to her beloved Prince Edward Island, where she was buried in the Cavendish cemetery, close to the site of her old home. to this day, the Lucy Maud Montgomery Birthplace is an important landmark in its community and to the province of PEI.


#1: Global news.ca; #2 L.M. Montgomery Institute; #3:historicplaces.ca





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